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Amazing Benefits of Cannabis For Pets

It has become common knowledge that CBD is beneficial in the world of healthcare, not only for humans but also for pets. Dispensaries and weed delivery services have a wide array of CBD products available not only for humans but for animals as well. Pets and humans have something in common. Both of us have an endocannabinoid system that plays a major role in our brain, heart, eyes, stomach, and even in our mood. 

A study published in the European Journal of Pharmacology in 1997 showed that the ECS system is deeply connected in our ability to manage pain. Just as cannabinoids are found in the cannabis plant, our bodies make our own cannabinoids too. One of the best-known cannabinoids helpful to humans and pets is the CBD (cannabidiol). Studies have shown that CBD can temporarily increase the absorption of anandamide. This is a chemical that helps lessen pain signals to the brain. 

Many old and recent studies have proven that CBD is beneficial for pets, especially cats and dogs. It can reduce anxiety, pain, seizures, inflammation and also heal skin conditions just as it can help treat human’s depression, stress, insomnia, appetite problems, glaucoma, seizures and more. To date, more research is conducted on the benefits of CBD to pets. Hopefully, in the future, science will show the full potential of CBD to humans and pets.

Heal Pain and Inflammation

Although more research is needed in this claim, it has been shown that pets who have CBD in their system tend to have less pain caused by certain inflammation in the cells. CBD has anti-inflammatory and pain-killing properties that are helpful in healing pain, especially for elderly pets. The Department of Pharmacognosy, School of Pharmacy in the University of London, England suggested that cannabinoids have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that can help manage severe pain, nerve-related pains, and arthritis. CBD can accelerate the healing process of cuts and bruises by lessening inflammation.

Lowering Stress and Reducing Anxiety

If your pet is frequently anxious or afraid, CBD can help reduce these stress levels and induce calmness and relaxation during these times of unease. Much like humans, some pets get anxiety from separation, phobias, traveling, and get afraid of loud noises coming from fireworks or heavy storms. CBD is a natural product to help alleviate their fright and anxiety compared to prescription medication.

Improves Appetite and Lesser Nausea 

CBD has been shown to help improve the pet’s appetite problems and keep them from feeling nauseous. Especially for sick and older pets, CBD can help stop nausea and vomiting due to its anti-emetic properties. CBD can help regulate the pet’s digestive system. 

Control Seizures and Minimize the Risk of Epilepsy

CBD is a natural anticonvulsant that can help reduce the occurrence of seizures. One of the best known therapeutic use of CBD is its ability to control seizures, spasms, tremors, and tics. For animals with existing seizures and epilepsy, prescribed medication is often used to manage but it can be harmful to other organs if ineffective. Some side effects for these medications can cause confusion, liver damage and lethargy.

Help Treat Skin Conditions

Some pets suffer certain skin conditions manifested through excessive scratching and licking, along with hair loss, rashes, and red skin. These suggest a possible skin allergy or infection. This can be too uncomfortable for our pets. To ease the discomfort, CBD can be used to help reduce the severity of skin conditions. Although it is not the cure alone. Make sure to consult with your vet for any new treatment you will do for your pets.

Other potential benefits:

  • Reduce depression
  • Possible treatment of glaucoma
  • Improve sleep
  • Help protect against colon cancer by stopping the development, growth, or spread of malignant tumors. 
  • Promotes homeostasis
  • Help with neurodegenerative diseases

The Right CBD Oil for Your Pet

There are some things to consider when choosing the best CBD products for your pets. Always make sure to give your pets CBD oil that is high in quality, organic, and free from impurities. When you search for dispensaries and cannabis delivery online, there are too many that sell CBD oils, but only a few have quality products. Read the labels and look for products that are tested independently. Look for the COA or the Certificate of Analysis. Also, check online reviews to have a background on the seller’s reputation.

There are certain types of CBD oil and the best one for your pet is the full-spectrum CBD oil. Compared to CBD isolate, full-spectrum CBD oil contains trace amounts of many cannabinoids beneficial to your pet. In fact, most vets recommend full-spectrum CBD oils than broad-spectrum or CBD Isolate. 

It is important to check the amount of milligrams of CBD in a bottle. You can see this in the product packaging. Also, the price varies greatly on the content of CBD. Aside from CBD oil, there are high-quality dog treats or edibles and capsules that have CBD.

Is it Safe?

Yes. Quite a few studies and research papers have proven that CBD is safe for your pets. The only real side effect is sleepiness, which isn’t really a bad thing. CBD cannot get your pets high, as it does not have the psychoactive effect of THC. However, while CBD oil and treats are safe for your pets, keep them away from the cannabis plant. 

It is also important that you give the right dose of CBD to your pets. Most CBD oil merchants can share a dose chart with you on their site. If in doubt, it is best to ask a pet doctor. Follow their prescriptions, should they give one. Make sure you discuss any supplement with your vet before starting CBD treatment, especially if your pet is under other medications. Generally, you should start with a small dose and gradually go up. Remember that the amount of CBD per drop depends on the content of the bottle. 

CBD is amazingly useful for pet owners all over the world. It truly gives fantastic benefits to our furry friends. Next time you call for marijuana delivery in Los Angeles, buy something that can be useful for your pets as well.

Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA

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