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Tips for Balancing Work Life with Cannabis

Few people enjoy work. That is why it is work, and why you get money to do it. These days, it is rare to find the job of your dreams. Instead, most of us are stuck doing inane tasks and attending stressful meetings. Those in officers find conditions cramped with various odd people, which can feel claustrophobic and horrid. Some work outside, but whatever you do, you need balance if you use weed. 

A sneaky toke on the clock can make work life more enjoyable; certainly, help soothe those stressful hiccups. Some people are very unproductive when stoned, but it really depends on the job. Doctors should not be lighting it up in a theater, but the local waiter might benefit from it. If you can work stoned, then it can make work life a happier experience. If not, then knuckle down rather and get back to work. 

Using Cannabis at Work

Before you start typing “weed dispensaries near me” into your search engine, it is important to understand that employers have the right to make their own policies for a drug-free workplace. If you undergo drug screening at work, then according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, your employer can still fire you at his or her own discretion. Know what your contract says about using marijuana. 

If you can handle weed on the job and feel safe enough to use it, then there are many benefits to doing so, if you know what you are doing. Not all strains have the same effects, not all methods of consumption are ideal. It is also illegal to consume marijuana in public spaces, so some cognizance is crucial. However, if you keep these tips in mind, then balancing work life with cannabis is much easier: 

  • Consider a One-Hitter

A one-hit pipe is an ideal contraption for a fast, discreet session outside if you do not have a vape pen, naturally. Anyone standing by the dumpsters will big fat spliff will be creating a great deal of pungent smoke, a very bad situation to be in at work, where you are trying to be invisible. One-hitters put more smoke into your lungs than into the air, and they resemble cigarettes from a distance. 

Additionally, because one-hitters consist of a small chamber, just big enough for literally one hit, they act is perfect automatic rationing devices. This is extremely helpful when you do not want to be overly stoned, even catatonic, on the job. One-hitters provide just enough to take the stressful edge off work and give you a happy, productive little buzz. They are not big enough to make you obviously “high.” 

  • Air Yourself Out

Marijuana smells, even if your nose is used to it. Ideally, you should hit your one-hitter outside, anywhere but inside work itself. Creating a cozy hot box in your car is not an option unless you have a chilled boss okay with you leaving a trail of pungency behind you. After hitting your one-hit pipe, go for a short walk. Air yourself out, even if it is just a quick walk around the block. 

Even if you cannot smell yourself, cannabis smoke clings to hair and clothes. Others can still smell you, even after just handling a particularly pungent bud. Clean your pipe, ditch your roach, and wash your hands afterward. Some people love to spray deodorant to mask the smell, but in all honesty, this can be overwhelmingly suspicious. Just a quick spritz is enough if you must, but do not go overboard. 

  • Come Prepared Beforehand

You should always have a stoner kit nearby if you want an easy balance between work and cannabis. Eye drops, spritzers, mints, hairsprays, whatever makes you feel less conspicuous, without making yourself obvious in the process. Put the tools you use to cover up your crime scenes in your handbag, car, or other handy spots, and try not to misplace them or otherwise leave them lying about for others to find. 

  • Choose Your Strains Very Carefully

Wherever possible, always choose Sativa strains for healthier work life. At the very least, consider hybrids. Indica strains typically cause intense laziness, a body stone that makes interacting with management and colleagues much harder to achieve normally. You do not want to zone out in a meeting, fall asleep at your desk, or chop your arm off with a heavy power tool, all quite possible. 

Instead, Sativa strains offer a better choice. The effects of Sativa strains or Sativa-dominant hybrids at least are more cerebral than physical. They can help you focus, give you much-needed energy, heighten creativity, and keep you busily “in the zone” for many productive hours. However, remember that smoking more than you should of any strain will have a negative effect on your productivity. 

Marijuana Dispensaries Santa Barbara

These tips should help you find a better balance between work life and cannabis, but if you cannot handle weed on the job, do not use it. Wait until you get home instead. You can find one-hitters at most marijuana dispensaries in Santa Barbara, as well as a variety of Sativa strains ideal for boosting work performance. Simply type, “weed dispensaries near me” into Google to find those closest to you. 

Location: California, USA

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